Restaurant services
I have worked in some of the best restaurants in the world, including some in Paris, London and New York. I know very well that if a restaurant is to be a success, then quality is the key, and customers will pay if they believe that they are receiving high quality of food, wine and service.
An important part of my work is to manage both the wine list and also train staff in understanding wine and serving it to customers at the highest standard. I am completely flexible in my approach, depending on the needs of the restaurant and the staff already in place. I may work in partnership with an established sommelier or restaurant manager to discuss and try out new ideas, or I may help to establish these roles, particularly in a new establishment. I can also design and deliver a comprehensive training programme for staff.
For a restaurant or hotel group, for example, I can look after the "Master Wine List". If necessary, I will improve the selection of wine currently on offer, by bringing to the list the maximum of quality wines with style and personality, within the different price bands. A good wine list is always unique and different from the run-of-the-mill list, with more interest and a good balance.
I can also create a "tasting wine book" for each individual wine from the master list available for staff at all times, and also for the customers to consult at their leisure. Each wine can have its own anecdotes, origin, grape variety and style and my personal tasting notes within a few lines.
I can also provide training for employees covering all the essentials, at the highest standard and customised for the philosophy of the restaurant or group. The training will cover the development of the key areas of wine knowledge, including tasting, and wine service, such as communication, decanting and serving. I will provide a training pack so that each new member of staff can be included and brought up to the required standard.
"Vincent Gasnier has been essential to the success and growth of my group business-for Soho House, he has really put our wine service on the map".
Nick Jones Chief executive, Soho House Group
"At the Hotel du Vin Group, the French character of our service meant that our wine list and service had to be second-to-none. Vincent Gasnier's work for us made that happen, and allowed us to make a hit with our customers, who demanded the best"
Robin Hutson founder, Hotel du Vin group of Hotels
As a wine shop or retailer
If you are already running a wine outlet, or thinking of doing so, I can assist in the following ways:
- I can provide wine from a selection of individual growers, chosen for their special quality
- I can provide a programme of weekly or periodic wine tastings-a great way to extend your customer base and keep the existing ones happy!
- I can provide an excellent selection of split cases